Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

Doctor Who and the Perfect Antagonist
The first episode of the fifty-year-old series Doctor Who had established a unique set of parameters. The juxtaposition of...

Redesigning Education
Imagine a small circle representing a child’s world; then imagine next to it a much larger circle containing the knowledge that human...

Beating the Blank Page
One can read all the ’How to Write a Story’ guides that one can (including How Stories Really Work) but actually sitting down to write a...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

25 Quotes About Poetry
The ones who can truly give voice to the power and truth and beauty of poetry and literature are the writers and poets themselves. Here...

10 Standard Writing Tips and What's Wrong With Them
There’s a lot of writing advice out there from a lot of people who have experience in screenwriting or novel writing and such like -...

The Five Best Bits of Advice I Ever Received
Here are five of the some of the best bits of advice that I was ever given. They all apply to writing, but can also apply more generally...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

Some More Quotes About The Power Of Stories
'Stories are a different kind of true.' ― Emma Donoghue 'There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.' ― Maya...