Who Wants To Be A Mediaeval Millionaire?
When teaching 11 to 14 year olds about mediaeval literature like Beowulf or Gawain and the Green Knight, one runs into the enormous...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

The Insight of Keats
One of the main figures of the Romantic movement, John Keats (1795 – 1821) only managed to get into publication four years before his...

The Melting of Modes
Renowned Canadian academic Northrop Frye, outlines the shape of fiction in his book Anatomy of Criticism: In the second paragraph of the...

Shakespeare: Bypassing the Barriers
It was common practice in schools a few years ago, and may still be, that, in order to ‘do’ Shakespeare, the teacher would play Baz...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

Symbolism in 'Brighton Rock'
Graham Greene’s novel Brighton Rock is an interesting example of an Irony, a story which draws its power from the classic patterns and...

5 Simple Golden Rules for Writers
When you think about writing your book (or story or whatever it is you’re working on) does it initially seem to you like a mountain over...

Tolkien and 'The Kalevala'
’Do not laugh!’ Tolkien famously wrote in a letter to Milton Waldman, ‘But once upon a time (my crest has long since fallen) I had a mind...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...