Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

The Correct Sequence of Writing
If we track back to see how any kind of writing begins, it’s fairly obvious that before the pen touches the page, or the finger touches...

No More Webinars, Please - We’re British!
If you are in any way an entrepreneur or are hoping to make an online business work for you and your customers, you will know the...

The Theme Pyramid
In putting together a wholly new approach to creative writing, fiction and literature, I have tried not to invent an entirely new...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

So you want to be a professional author? Then what’s stopping you? This book is not for the squeamish — but it will answer many questions...

The Secrets of Successful Business Part Ten: A Simple Programme
Marketing is commonly seen in two ways. Both are highly damaging to any business. Radical statement? Well, let’s take a look at the two...

The Secrets of Successful Business Part Eight: The Magic Mirror of Marketing
If you’ve been following along each part of this course so far, you will have learned a number of almost magical things: 1. You now know...

The Secrets of Successful Business Part Seven: A Typical Marketing Sequence
In marketing, most businesses feature a classic prospect and follow a classic pattern, much of which we covered earlier when discussing...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...