Organic Marketing Part Nine: Husbanding the Imagination
Writers who are serious about extending their writing into sustainable careers will seek to husband their imaginations, not exploit them....

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

Organic Marketing Part Eight: A Little Ode to the Writer
Writers do not thrive as parts of a machine. It’s a peculiar thing. By far the majority of writers with whom I have worked for the last...

Organic Marketing Part Seven: Beginning the Journey
If we want to adopt an organic marketing approach, the first questions we must answer are: What is organic marketing? And why do it?...

Organic Marketing Part Six: Being Self-Reliant
When it comes to marketing our books, we can do things for ourselves or we can pay others to do them for us. These are the two 'systems'...

The Heart of Your Story
What’s the one simple thing that readers want from fiction? Emotion. Emotion comes in many guises: we might read science fiction because...

Selling Your Book in the Real World
How many of you get frustrated on social media when you get a comment on your post or in some other way receive a message from a complete...

A Quick Tip on Selling Your Book
When Mike Krieger created Instagram he kept the product really simple: take a picture, use a filter, share it with friends. Why did...