An Introduction to an 'Author Prospectus' - the Document That Could Change Your Writing Life
Followers of this blog in recent months may have detected a trend towards a new look at being successful as a writer. This is a ‘new...

Ian and Cassandra and Push and Pull Marketing
I’d like to introduce you to two writers, Cassandra and Ian. Ian is a creative and productive multi-genre writer. He can turn his hand to...

'Push versus Pull' in Marketing - and in Writing
Broadly speaking, there are two types of marketing. And strangely enough, two types of writing. Perhaps they are related. Let’s see. The...

Growing Rich as a Writer: A Guide
You want to grow rich as a writer? That's an oxymoron, right? A ‘rich writer’ reads like a contradiction in terms in today’s marketplace....

How Valuable Are You?
Recently we’ve been looking at why writers get paid so little and how they themselves are largely responsible for keeping in motion the...

The Seven Levels of Scarcity, or How You Get Rich as a Writer
The reason that most writers give up trying to make a career out of writing fiction is probably because they feel a total absence of...

Say Goodbye To Working For Nothing
Doing free work may be necessary on occasion, but most of the time it is counter-productive and totally avoidable . You may also be...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts...