How Much Do You Want To Succeed As A Writer?
Earlier, I revealed a secret about achieving goals — namely that, if one concentrates more and more on the specifics of a goal, naming...

Some Maxims for Writers Part 2
Following on from Part One: 17. Break your heart and you break others’ hearts. Heartbreaks open the floodgates to emotional commitment...

Some Maxims for Writers Part 1
Offered without comment, for your use as you see fit... 1. Write about what you love. You may have heard the maxim ‘Write about what you...

Learn what a story really is...
Learn: • what a story really is • what it is actually doing to and for you and other readers ​ • the magnetic power that attracts readers...

The Secret to Achieving Your Goals
Let me let you into a little secret about achieving goals before the gleam and gloss of your New Year’s resolutions has worn off… There’s...

Five Reasons Why Your Posts To The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Might Not Get Approved
Let’s just make it very clear from the outset that I very much welcome posts to the Inner Circle Writers’ Group, and that 90% of posts...

Why Is My Book Not Making Me Any Money? Part 3
There’s a buzzing street full of vendors selling high quality [insert name of your type of book here]. Books are being sold by the dozen...

Why Is My Book Not Making Me Money? Part 2
I hope that you are taking on board the advice given in the last couple of articles. Some of it isn’t easy to swallow, but without doing...