'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Fifteen: Organic Marketing: An Average Day
So what does an average day look like for a writer who wants to undertake organic marketing? Obviously, the pattern of an individual day...

'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Fourteen: How To Run A Facebook Group That Works
Using our Marketing Mantra, we can effectively set up a profitable writing career. But the fact that it is a ‘mantra’ doesn’t mean that...

'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Thirteen: More on the Marketing Mantra
Let’s take a closer look at the Marketing Mantra that we mentioned last time: Attract generally; attract specifically; engage fully;...

'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Twelve: A Marketing Mantra
There’s a little voice in our heads which questions everything, analyses everything, and often jumps to conclusions. When we are browsing...

'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Eleven: Seven Aspects We All Possess
We’ve been talking about using social media groups as a marketing tool — a marvellous one, unavailable to earlier generations — to gather...

Tolkien (2019): A Review
In 1974, my then English teacher Mr. Sweeting read out a long list of books from which we were supposed to select one to read over the...

'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Ten: Creating Magic
If you use a social media group to gather an audience who are broadly interested in the types of story that you write, then make that...

'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Nine: How It All Works
Right — so we’re engaged in the project of gathering your audience, and we’ve had a look at exactly what kind of process a potential...

'Oh no! Not Marketing again! Do I have to?' Part Eight: You, The Reader
As I said last time in this series, the most effective method I have found of establishing enough data for a successful book marketing...