10 Successful Actions for Teachers
Here are ten successful actions for teachers, all based on experience, all important to about the same degree: 1. Turn up on time for...
The Ideal Scene for Reading
The ideal scene for reading at school would be to have, at the end of Key Stage Three, all children • reading voluminously in a wide...
How Should Your Child Be Educated?
When selecting a school, or a method of education outside the normal school system, parents are becoming increasingly aware of the many...
5 Tips for Persuading and Empowering Children
You'll need to persuade a young child to do many things. How can you do it without being overbearing? 1. Keep fun charts. Bedtime,...
Children, Teenagers and Schoolwork
A survey done a few years ago with a Year 9 class revealed some interesting things. One was that almost no one in the class had a...
Working with Young Children
Most children are full of enthusiasm for life. They want to play at everything. They give us adults a glimpse of what life can be like...
The Secrets of Creativity
I have been approached repeatedly about the so-called ‘secrets’ of creativity for as long as I can remember. The subject of creativity is...
What is Education?
A teacher is a gatekeeper, someone who presents a subject in its most interesting form so that individual students engage with it,...
Teachers are Coal-miners
Teaching is like coal-mining: you're laboriously digging attention out of the stony faces in front of you and forging the fuel of the...
The Success of the Hudson Expanded Adventure Reading Tournament (H.E.A.R.T.)
An excerpt from the second edition of the H.E.A.R.T Handbook: When the H.E.A.R.T. programme was initially piloted, feedback suggested...