A Checklist for Writing A Level History Essays, Part Two
So if you followed Part 1 of this checklist, you should have i) a reasonably intelligent sounding introduction and ii) some notes...

A Simple Poetry Checklist
Here’s a simple checklist for studying a single poem that tries to cover the different aspects that one ‘should’ know about any piece of...

The Futility of Essays
To meet the basic requirements for writing an English Literature essay in a school context, there is surprisingly little really useful...

What is the Single Biggest Problem Faced by Students When They Come to Write an Essay?
Almost every student is taught that an essay has to have an Introduction, followed by the Body of the essay, and then concluded with......

Need Help With Coursework?
Around this time of year, many students are coming to terms with the fact that they need to write some coursework essays. But, though...

How to Improve Your Essay Writing Skills In Minutes
For many years I was the Head of the English Department in a small independent school in Sussex. I’ve also tutored private students of...