Giuseppina Marino Leyland
Giuseppina (Pina) Marino Leyland is a social worker, author and artist. She was born in Australia, of Italian immigrant parents, and currently lives in Adelaide. Pina was awarded a Master of Arts in Creative Writing by the University of Technology Sydney in 2011, and has a special interest in oral history and family heritage stories. Pezzi Pazzi | Crazy Pieces is her first collection of creative writing. Clarendon House Publications has previously published several of these ‘crazy pieces’ in mixed genre anthologies in 2017– 2019 (see below).

Pezzi Pazzi | Crazy Pieces
Charming, sensitive, beautiful, Giuseppina Marino Leyland’s exceptional book is a mixed genre collection of creative writing, including short stories and fragments of poetry, with a mini novella as the centrepiece. Quirky and eclectic and infused with an Italian–Australian flavour, you’ll find tales of gypsies, women seeking to know their destinies, relationships good and bad, and wonderfully rich stories reflecting the experience of settling in Australia in the ‘50s, ‘60s and beyond. The theme of Italian–Australian migration and settlement permeates the collection, criss-crossing time and space, the settings shifting from Italy to Australia and then back again. Spilling over from believable tales about rounded, warm characters into wisdom about the human condition itself, the overarching theme of the anthology is ‘crazy life’—the world is crazy and we are all a little crazy in it.

Also by
Giuseppina Marino Leyland

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'I read your fabulous "food" book, though it is much, much more than a "food" book.
It's a triumph, a time capsule, a therapy session, a test in patience and love and respect, and a cooking lesson all rolled into one.
It must be celebrated and heralded in high places for the great achievement that it is in these "unprecedented Covid times".
Your Herculean effort to care for your mother while capturing the complexities behind recipes and relationships, is to be admired.
I loved it. Thank you. ❤️ x' - Maria Fantasia
I don't cook much at all, and cooking with my Mum wasn't our way of connecting.
I don't read cookbooks, and I never thought reading recipes would be a learning about Italian feminism.
So imagine how surprised I was wanting to devour this book in one sitting.
The colours of the food, the creativity and smarts of "la cucina povera", which defied such a label.
The deft threading of 100 COVID-days with a Mum who increasingly needs care while the daughter increasingly needs to reconfigure her life, and the further daily stitching of family history and broader socio-political concerns, is enthralling.
Several times Pina worries about "going down the rabbit-hole". I didn't see it like that. Instead, each piece of vegetable, fruit, meat and fish, nuts and legumes, its origins and what it will become in the cooking, and the stories it evokes, found me breathing deeply, sometimes achingly, in anticipation of what I would discover on the next page, on the next day.
Pina, you have created a book of historical significance for your family, for COVID historians, and for the planet as we reflect upon the socio-cultural meanings of love, family, and food.
—Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli AM, (Melbourne, Australia)
If you’re looking after, or have looked after an elderly parent and like to cook, then you will like this book. The author has woven her experiences with learning to cook in the “Cucina Povera” style of southern Italy, with her experiences of caring for an elderly parent. For the most part the dishes are authentic and have been handed down from her mother. The “Cucina Povera” style of cooking is done with fresh seasonal ingredients and meat when available so everything is nutritious, with nothing going to waste. You will find ways of making your own broth using fresh vegetables and bones instead of using stock cubes. There are meat and non-meat recipes and the author has provided a no nonsense approach to putting a tasty meal on the table. Some of the dishes can be frozen and reheated for those who don’t have much time during the working week while others are best made on the day. Intertwined with all these cooking tips and tricks is dealing with an elderly parent. Elderly parents do get lonely and do lean more on their closest child or children. Like her Mamma’s recipe measurement rules (none, it’s all done by eye and experience), there are no rules for dealing with an elderly parent. This book has reminded me of my late mother and has taught me some cooking tips I didn’t know. I recommend this book.
—George Kanakis, Italophile (Sydney, Australia)
Pina, what a glorious cookbook! Even the pdf files are stunning. I like the immediacy of the current virus-crisis with the timelessness of the cuisine. Puts it all in perspective. Only just pursued it briefly (thanks for the mention!) but already learned about stuffing eggplant which I have never done but now plan to. Hope all the best for this wonderful tribute to your mama.
—Joe Dolce, singer/musician/poet (Melbourne, Australia)
This cookbook is so much more. I loved the history of the recipes, the photos, and the stories. Pina and her mother are delightful and the two of them cooking together makes a beautiful mother and daughter story and experience that comes from the heart. The recipes are easy to follow and fun to make. I wish I could buy it in print instead of downloading…. I would love to have it mixed in with my other great cookbooks on the shelf.
—Sarah Lippincott, cheesemonger & culinary school graduate (Waynesboro, Virginia, USA)
Clarendon House Anthologies
featuring the work of
Giuseppina Marino Leyland
Blaze: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Flash Fiction Anthology 2019
Writers are spellbinders, wizards, witches, working their magic with words, entrancing and enchanting us. Not for nothing does the word ‘spell’ mean a sequence of letters and a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation. In these tales, the sorcery has been restricted so that its glamour has to work in the space of fifty, five hundred or a thousand words: and work it does, as you will see. From disturbing darkness to light-hearted laughter, the authors within weave their wizardry, making you weep and laugh, feel and think, shiver and gasp, always wanting to turn the page.

Enigma: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Crime/Mystery/Thriller Anthology 2018
From the traditional old-fashioned country houses in which puzzling crimes have detained important guests, to grim and disturbing urban transgressions, to gripping thrillers with unforeseen twists, prepare to be entertained and enthralled. These skilful writers know how to bamboozle you, commanding your attention before you are aware of it, leaving you guessing all the way.

Fireburst: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Second Flash Fiction Anthology 2018
Intense, keen, extreme, sincere, deeply felt, wholehearted - you’ll find stories within ranging from the amusing to the overwhelming, from the earnest to the cute, you will scarcely believe what can be done in less than 2,000 words per tale.

Rapture: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Romance Anthology 2018
Prepare for surprises, passion, energy and a smattering of the unusual; prepare for mini-sagas set in foreign climes, short pieces which evoke amorous devotion, and even some alluring poetry, in one of the most entertaining, thoughtful and heart-warming collections produced this year.
Carrier Wave: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Comedy Anthology 2018
In this anthology you will find a range of approaches to making you laugh, from ‘real-life comic drama’ to humorous misunderstanding, from observational humour to a playful ‘messing about in tropes’. You’ll be impressed by these efforts to catch you off-guard and surprise you.

Cadence: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Poetry Anthology 2018
A whole range is here, from the almost incomprehensible but energetic, to the light-hearted and the profound, to the serene and transcendent. You’ll find poets who are raw in their talent, and others who are well-practised; you’ll discover things that you never dreamed of and have thoughts you could never quite put into words appearing on the page before you. Enjoy the magic.

Vortex: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Literary Anthology 2018
A potent and vibrant portal to other worlds, much larger in scope and depth than its size would suggest. Within, you’ll find passion and poetic prose that will haunt you, experimental fiction that will challenge you, tales that will make you laugh, some that will make you cry, and many that will enthral you from beginning to end.

Window: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Children's Anthology 2018
This book is for readers aged 8 to 80, and contains many adventures of various kinds, ranging from travels with faeries (spelt with an ‘e’) to challenges in the playground, as well as other things you can scarcely imagine. Meet dogs and cats, wizards and dinosaurs, princesses and leprechauns, mermaids and men made of spice - and much more.

Flashpoint: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Flash Fiction Anthology 2018
There’s tragedy, there’s humour, there’s science fiction and drama, there’s a mixture of just about everything here, from completely new and long-established short story writers.
You will never know what lies waiting for you on the next electrifying page…

Condor: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Inaugural Anthology 2018
Whimsical fantasy and gritty reality; contemporary realism and flowery fancy. A celebration of the art of writing.