Jennifer lives in Princeton, New Jersey with her husband musician Doug Brookins. They frequently travel to India and based upon those experiences wrote ‘India with a Backpack and Prayer’ about their travels to Northern Punjab, India and the fascination of a country considered to be the cradle of humanity. She also wrote ‘Tharon Ann’ a memoir and a book of poetry ‘Living Under the Weaver's Hut.


What readers have said about Molly's War:
‘Molly is such an enchanting little girl; her dialect makes it seem like she is in the room with me talking. I don't feel like I'm writing a story; rather laughing one minute and crying the next. I love your writing Jennifer Brookins. I want to read everything you've written.’ — Jane Kelly
‘Jennifer I just love this story. God Bless you. Never stop writing. I can imagine it so clearly from your descriptions and I am there with you.’ — Jane Risdon
‘Molly is a living, breathing spunky little girl and I wouldn't mind betting there is more than a soupçon of young Jennifer in this story. I can see a movie made of this.’ —Pat Mackay
‘This is such a moving story. I did laugh out loud when she said, "I put chewing gum in my ears." Please keep writing Jennifer. Does Uncle Roy come home safely? What happens to Molly? I want more!’ —Virginia
‘Ms. Jennifer, you are an amazing writer! This story took me to a place that was gripping, heart aching and touching all at once. Gracias for inviting me to read.’ — De Ann Townes
‘I love this story Jennifer. You have captured that innocent curiosity and simple understanding so well.’ — Peter Forster
‘Hard-hitting and raw. Colored with the atmosphere of what life must have been like for many children.’ — Niamh
‘Authentic and heartwarming. I WANT MORE I'm hooked and looking forward to more. I'm very fond of Molly. I think she has your spunk and big heart.’ — Sue Baumgartner
‘You are such a sensational writer. Loved the style and veracity of young Molly. We should all be so brave. Looking forward to reading more.’ — Marty Deason Fahling
‘Your writing pulls the reader right into the story of this lovable character.’ — Deborah Vaineo
‘Wow the story and can't wait for more. Love the language ... love the style ...engrossing to say the least.’ — Michael
’This is profoundly stirring. You write with such beauty and grace. I love Molly and her innocence ... and her big little heart. Mostly I love your brain to think these up and easy flow of writing.’ — Sheikh A.
‘This is genius! I want to read more. I love Molly and her no nonsense outlook on life.’ — Susan E. Birch