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Exciting news! This month marks the beginning of this magazine’s seventh year and the return of one of the world’s most difficult writing contests! Yes, it’s the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2025! Turn to page 12 to find out what you have to do to win a book contract!

On page 30 you can find out how to use the fabulous Story Creation Handbook, FREE to all magazine subscribers!

Then Kenneth Grahame’s classic The Wind in the Willows continues as Mole returns home.

Master Author Showcase features the classic comic tale ‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ by P. G. Wodehouse

 Your Author Prospectus explores how stories arise on the mind, and Your Biggest Challenge As A Writer helps you find your writing voice.

 There are submission opportunities with Clarendon House anthologies, a quiz and incredible free gifts - you really should take a look at these, as they are designed to really help you with your career as a writer!

Stay tuned by subscribing now, if you haven’t already!


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Click on the image to download a full guide with details on how to submit and how to advertise in the magazine.

You will require a device capable of reading a pdf document. 'Two Page View' is recommended once you have downloaded the magazine.

Missed out on an earlier issue? 

Issue One (March 2019):
FICTION from Warren Alexander, Gary Bonn, Samantha Hamilton, Copper Rose, David Bowmore, Mark Kodama, Jill Kiesow and Steve Carr, as well as poetry from Shawn Klimek.
INTERVIEWS AND SNAPSHOTS with Steve Carr telling us about his life and career, John Green, Carmen Baca, Melinda Newmin and Justin Wiggins.
EXPERT ADVICE, ANALYSIS, ARTWORK, THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH by William Shakespeare, adapted by Grant P. Hudson - the first part of an ongoing comic strip presentation of this classic tale, THE G. P. HUDSON ART STUDIO presents a portrait of J. R. R. Tolkien, ARTICLES, REVIEWS, CONTESTS AND GAMES, NEWS, FREE GIFTS FOR EVERY READER, A SPECIAL SUBSCRIBERS’ PACKAGE OFFER and much more.

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Issue Two (April):


FICTION from David Bowmore, Gabriella Balcom, Peter Astle, William Masters, P. A. O'Neil, Jan McCulloch AND Part One of one of the greatest short stories ever written: The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster.


INTERVIEWS AND SNAPSHOTS with Rich Rurshell interviewing Kate McCoid, and the special first edition of a feature you won't want to miss called Desert Island Books with this month's guest, David Bowmore.






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Issue Three (May):


FICTION from David Bowmore, Alexander Marshall, Marlon Hayes, Rich Rurshell, Julie C. Eger and poetry from Jay Mehta PLUS Part Two of one of the greatest short stories ever written, THE MACHINE STOPS by E. M. Forster.


INTERVIEWS AND SNAPSHOTS, EXPERT ADVICE, ANALYSIS (BRIGHTON ROCK by Graham Greene), ARTWORK, THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH Part Three by William Shakespeare, adapted by Grant P. Hudson, THE G. P. HUDSON ART STUDIO presents a portrait of Geoffrey Bayldon as Catweazle, ARTICLES including A WINDOW INTO MIDDLE-EARTH: Gandalf the Fearful Part Two and A PERSONAL HISTORY OF COMICS plus much more.


The first ten contestants in THE GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE WRITERS’ WORLD, SUBMISSIONS STATION with links to publishers who are accepting submissions right now!



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Issue Four (June):


Inside the power-packed FOURTH issue:


•A candid interview with RIHAM ADLY (plus an article and story)


•News of a NEW Clarendon House Anthology: TEMPEST!


•The much-anticipated next stage in the GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE with a challenge you can try at home too!


•The unmissable concluding parts to David Bowmore's The Affair of the Missing Tiara and E. M. Forster's The Machine Stops


POETRY from Shawn Klimek and Mark Kodama


DOZENS of submission opportunities


•Amazing artwork, enlightening articles, fabulous fiction and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

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Issue Five (July):


Inside the fun-filled FIFTH issue:


•BILL SWIGGS tells us the behind-the-scenes story of his book BLOOD IN THE DUST

•See inside the fabled home of famous writer C. S. LEWIS!

•Read the FIVE 1,000 word WESTERNS that form the next stage in the GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE!


•FANTASTIC FICTION from Brandy Bonifas, Jill Kiesow, Steve Carr and the first part of Thomas Hardy's classic tale THE WITHERED ARM!

•POETRY from all over the world


•The next episode in the dramatised serial The Tragedy of Macbeth

•DOZENS of submission opportunities

•Amazing artwork, enlightening articles from expert writers and editors and MUCH, MUCH MORE!


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Issue 6 (August):


Inside the scintillating SIXTH issue:


• Internationally acclaimed author MEHREEN AHMED talks to us about her life and work

•See the visual diary of author STEVE CARR!



•FABULOUS FICTION from Sharon Frame Gay, Peter Toeg, Kerri Jesmer and the second part of Thomas Hardy's classic tale THE WITHERED ARM!





•The next episode in the dramatised serial The Tragedy of Macbeth


•Astounding artwork, enlightening articles from expert writers and editors and MUCH, MUCH MORE!


Subscribe now so that you don't miss out!


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Issue 7 (September):


Inside the special SEVENTH issue:


• Author and artist RIK TY takes us on an inter-dimensional tour


•See the textured imagination of photographer STEPHANIE DORN




• FICTION from Warren Alexander, Andrew Scobie, and the chilling climax to Thomas Hardy's classic tale THE WITHERED ARM!






•The next episode in the dramatised serial The Tragedy of Macbeth


•Submission opportunities through CLARENDON HOUSE ANTHOLOGIES!


•Astounding artwork, enlightening articles from expert writers and editors and MUCH, MUCH MORE!


Subscribe now so that you don't miss out!


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Issue # 8 (October)


Inside the enthralling EIGHTH issue:


• Historical Mystery and Romance Author ELIZABETH BAILEY talks to us about her books and writing career!



 WRONG TRAIN Part Two by Warren Alexander


THE STRANGE WELL by Archit Joshi

THE OPERA MUST GO ON by Heather Hood

and our special Master Author Showcase THE SIGNALMAN Part One by Charles Dickens


• POETRY CORNER with Evelyn M. Lukey, Stephanie Bardy, Warren Alexander and Neelima Dondapati.






•The next episode in the dramatised serial The Tragedy of Macbeth

•Submission opportunities through CLARENDON HOUSE ANTHOLOGIES!

• PLUS: A WINDOW INTO MIDDLE-EARTH: Tolkien’s Heresy - the article that was banned by the Tolkien Society!

JUSTIN WIGGINS goes to the Logos Theatre in South Carolina to see The Horse and His Boy performed on stage

AN UNEARTHLY CHILD Part of our occasional series featuring the BBC Television series Doctor Who — this month: Enter the Third Doctor!

ALFRED HITCHCOCK’S PSYCHO An audiobook review by Tony J. Fyler









A WRITER'S WORKSHOP with Grant P. Hudson!


Subscribe now so that you don't miss out!


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Issue # 9 (November)


Inside the numinous NINTH issue:



  • Feast your eyes on the fantastic artwork of LINDSAY NORMAN

  • Relish the fiction of Gabriella Balcom, Susannah Bell, David Bowmore and Charles Dickens (with Part Two of THE SIGNALMAN)

  • Delight in the poetry of Shawn Klimek and Shweta Goyal

  • Get  EXPERT ADVICE from Dennis Doty, Samantha Hamilton, Jeffrey Stephens, Gary Bonn and Julie Eger 

  • Find out how Tolkien’s imagination worked in A WINDOW INTO MIDDLE-EARTH: The Mountain and the City

  • Let Richard Prime investigate the question ROBIN HOOD: FACT OR FICTION?

  • PLUS THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH Part Nine by William Shakespeare, adapted by Grant P. Hudson, a WRITER’S WORKSHOP, THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MARKETING, and much much more including a fabulous SUBSCRIBERS’ FREE GIFT: The Seven Levels of Attention!


Subscribe now so that you don't miss out!


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Issue # 10 (December)


Inside the terrific TENTH issue:


It's a POETRY SPECIAL with work by Eileen Hugo, Marlon S. Hayes, Edward Ahern, Jay Mehta, Maria J. Estrada, Elizabeth Brown, RLM Cooper, Jim Bates, Holly Scott, Sharon Frame Gay, Julie Eger, Linda Imbler, Shawn Klimek, Hugh Honea, and Denise O’Hagan

PLUS FICTION including A FURY THAT BURNS Part Two by Susannah J. Bell, INSANELY BRAVE EXPLORERS by Gary Bonn DRAGONFLY LUCK by C. L. Steele and  THE SIGNALMAN Part Three by Charles Dickens


EXPERT ADVICE: from Dennis DotyMarlon Hayes and others

GRAMMAR NINJA with Samantha Hamilton


and much more including THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MARKETING, ARTWORK including THE POETRY OF LIGHT by Craig Alexander


EARTH: Tolkien and the Kalevala; POETRY IN THE WORDS OF POETS; AN UNEARTHLY CHILD Part of our occasional series featuring the BBC Television series Doctor Who; A WRITING CALENDAR and a review of MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT with Tony J. Fyler

PLUS A SUBSCRIBERS’ FREE GIFTGet your copy of The Seven Levels of Attention!


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Inside the inspiring ELEVENTH issue:


Rising star author R. A. Goli talks about her life and work plus we get a glimpse behind the scenes of Welcome to Blekeleigh Court by Samantha Hamilton, plus enjoy our Christmas fiction including Love’s Gift by C. L. Steele, The Bard by Mark Kodama, Claire’s Special Day by Shawn M. Klimek and the next part of A Fury That Burns by Susannah J. Bell — in addition, you get a special Christmas Master Author Showcase, a complete short story The Hint Of An Explanation from Graham Greene!

Our expert advice includes Why You Should Edit with Susannah J. Bell, Junk Drawer Writing with Julie Eger, Understanding Graphic Designers with John Green and The Wonderful World Of Marketing: Finding Your Audience with Grant P. Hudson

We take a look at the art of the Mediaeval Manuscript and continue our adapted feature The Tragedy Of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, but that’s nowhere near all! Articles include A Window Into Middle-Earth: A Journey To The Real Mordor with Grant P. Hudson, Did I Really Write That? with Gary Bonn, Reflections On The C. S. Lewis Symposium At Montreat, North Carolina with Justin Wiggins and An Unearthly Child part of our occasional series featuring the BBC television series Doctor Who: this month, The Sixth Doctor.

Even that’s not all, though: there’s news of a special game, the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine Subscriber Game, and we introduce not one but TWO new imprints offering more opportunities: Outlook Books and Linden Books!

There are free gifts for readers and a subscribers’ free gift too!

Don’t miss out! Get your copy now for only £2.00 or subscribe for £20.00 to get 12 issues!


All this and more for only £2.00! Or less if you subscribe!


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Inside the terrific TWELFTH issue:


FICTION including ONE LAST QUESTION by Gary Bonn, MONTANA REMAINS by Carol White

and drabbles by Dawn DeBraal, G. Allen Wilbanks, Shawn M. Klimek and David Bowmore

plus the final part of A FURY THAT BURNS by Susannah J. Bell and MASTER AUTHOR SHOWCASE: THE PURLOINED LETTER by Edgar Allan Poe




EXPERT ADVICE: GRAMMAR NINJA with Samantha Hamilton, DRABBLE ME THIS with Steve Carr, THE BEST ADVICE I NEVER USED with C. L. Steele and HUNTING FOR A STORY with Julie C. Eger 


Plus THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH Part 11 by William Shakespeare; A WINDOW INTO MIDDLE-EARTH: Middle-earth and Narnia — a comparison; A TRUE INKLING EXPERIENCE with Annie Mae Platter

and much, much more!


All this and more for only £2.00! Or less if you subscribe!


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Inside the thrill-packed THIRTEENTH issue:


FICTION including SAFETY NET by Gary Bonn

POETRY CORNER with Elizabeth Brown, Jay Mehta and Jim Bates, DORA by Giuseppina Marino Leyland, THE MOTHER TREE by Jason Holden, FREE’S TALE: NO HOME AT CHRISTMASTIME Part 1 by Gabriella Balcom, MR. JASPER’S PORCH by Marlon Hayes




AUTHOR MICHAEL WILLIAMS talks to us about his life, his work and his influences



GRAMMAR NINJA with Samantha Hamilton



THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MARKETING: What the World Wide Web Does - and Doesn’t- Do For You with Grant P. Hudson


Plus THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH Part 12 by William Shakespeare; A WINDOW INTO MIDDLE-EARTH: The Power of Words

and much, much more!


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Inside the fame-worthy FOURTEENTH issue:


FICTION including SKETCH by Gary Bonn

POETRY CORNER with Warren Alexander and Jim Bates, AME-NO-UZUME by Umair Mirxa, FREE’S TALE: NO HOME AT CHRISTMASTIME Part 2 by Gabriella Balcom, 




AUTHOR J. L. CALLISON talks about life, books, and success



ON WRITING DORA by Giuseppina Marino Leyland

ON SEEING RED with Julie Eger

INNER CIRCLE with C. L. Steele

THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MARKETING: Instant Gratification and What It Means For You with Grant P. Hudson


Plus THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH Part 13 by William Shakespeare; A WINDOW INTO MIDDLE-EARTH: Tolkien and the Somme

and much, much more!


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Inside the friendly fifteenth issue:


10 GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE STORIES: The Train Home, The Letter, The Escape, Carlos, Better Than a Sandcastle, The River, The Knife, The Girl with the Red Hair, Nobody Else’s Business, Ghost Light for you to read and vote on!

OTHER FICTION including:



POETRY CORNER with Elizabeth Brown, Christina Steele and Jim Bates

THE DANCE by Heather Hood

AMATERASU by Umair Mirxa





BEST-SELLING AUTHOR CARMEN BACA reveals the secrets of her success




GRAMMAR NINJA with Samantha Hamilton



THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MARKETING: Marketing - and Why Losing Your Rag is Good with Gary Bonn


Plus Tolkien, Shakespeare, fun and free gifts!



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Inside the super sixteenth issue:




ME AND MY PEN by Ximena Escobar

BUADHACH by Elizabeth Montague

POETRY CORNER with Priti Mehta and Jim Bates

JUST A GIRL IN A DRESS by L. T. Waterson

ARISTAEUS by Umair Mirxa

THE POND by Elizabeth Brown




40 AUTHOR P. A. O’NEIL talks about her short story collection



WRITER’S WORKSHOP - beginning a special serialisation of How Stories Really Work!



TRUST THE COINCIDENCES with Fredricka R. Maister

THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MARKETING: Prize-winning articles on Building Your Brand with Elaine Marie Carnegie, Peter Astle and James Pyles



THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH Part 15 by William Shakespeare 



A WINDOW INTO MIDDLE-EARTH: The Ethics of Sub-Creation



WORD SEARCH by Julie C. Eger


THE GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE 2020 Revisit the five first stage winners -and find out their next challenge!


Plus free gifts and more!

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Inside the splendid seventeenth issue:



FIVE GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE STORIES: Wandering Star, True Colours, The Freedom to Be, Simple Folk and The Watcher

A WINDOW IN BRENTWOOD by Samantha Hamilton

POETRY CORNER with Priti Mehta

BE NICE Part One by Gary Bonn



AUTHOR PINA LEYLAND reveals the story behind her amazing collection


GRAMMAR NINJA with Samantha Hamilton

WRITER’S WORKSHOP - continuing a special serialisation of How Stories Really Work! This month: Core Ideas

plus articles, artwork, news and features including a WORD SEARCH by Julie C. Eger, and much more!

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Inside the enthralling eighteenth issue:


MEET THE THREE GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE FINALISTS and discover what their final challenge for 2020 will be!


POETRY CORNER with Evelyn M. Lukey, Charlotte Langtree, and RLM Cooper


BE NICE Part Two by Gary Bonn




Journey to the wonderful world of WARREN ALEXANDER, author of Cousins' Club


GRAMMAR NINJA with Samantha Hamilton


WRITER’S WORKSHOP - continuing a special serialisation of How Stories Really Work! This month: The Spectrum of Fiction


plus articles, The Tragedy of Macbeth, news and features including another WORD SEARCH by Julie C. Eger, and much more!

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Inside the name-dropped nineteenth issue:


THE GREAT CLARENDON HOUSE WRITING CHALLENGE FINAL: read the three final stories and cast your vote!


POETRY CORNER with Charlotte Langtree and Elizabeth Brown


THE PROMISE by L. T. Waterson




and a special MASTER AUTHOR SHOWCASE: A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA Part One by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Meet the marvellous MARLON HAYES


WRITER’S WORKSHOP - the most important chapter of How Stories Really Work! Vacuum Power!


plus articles, The Tragedy of Macbeth, news and features including another WORD SEARCH by Julie C. Eger, and much more!

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Inside the tophole twentieth issue:


Those desperate to know the winner of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2020 — and there are many of you — can immediately turn to page 12 and find out! This author now has the opportunity to work with me to produce a publishable book of their own — and I look forward to that very much!

Also in this issue, the remarkable Justin Wiggins takes us on a journey, Julie C. Eger reveals the fascinating story behind her own fiction, C. L. Steele delves into the world of wavelengths, and there’s an article on how J. R. R. Tolkien’s imagination worked.

Plus the continuing workshop based on the book How Stories Really Work, and a collection of great pieces of fiction from Elizabeth Brown, Hugh Honea and the inestimable Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

You’ll also get a glimpse of David Bowmore’s Doncaster, and be able to delight in R. A. Goli’s award-winning story ‘A Flicker of Time’.

And more, of course, including the secrets of human attention in the Wonderful World of Marketing!



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Inside the tophole twenty-first issue:


We have a major interview with David Bowmore, whose collectionTall Tales and Short Fiction was released by Clarendon House Publications recently

• the second of our Best of Clarendon House series, the fantastic story of ‘The Bear Trap Grave’ by Brent A. Harris, deservedly award-winning

• plus other fiction including the second part of Hugh Honea’s delightful tale ‘The Ladies’ Shoes’, ‘Liddy’s Beacon’ by V. H. Stone, and James Joyce’s story ‘The Sisters’ as part of our Master Author Showcase.

There’s lovely poetry and fascinating articles featuring advice and insights into the art of writing; there’s Part 20 of The Tragedy of Macbeth; and there’s more, including a free gift and another writer’s workshop based on How Stories Really Work!


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In this towering twenty-second issue: 

Meet ELIZABETH MONTAGUE, author of the amazing short story collection entitled Dust and Glitter!

Plus this edition is packed with fiction, including

The Best of Clarendon House instalment ‘Dr. Zennik and the Cerebrachrone Part One’ by Alexander Marshall

‘Wash and Dry’ by William Masters

‘Footprints of Life' by Jan McCulloch

and a special science fiction story in Master Author Showcase: ‘Lazarus Come Forth’ by Ray Bradbury!


There’s also Poetry Corner with Charlotte Langtree, Elizabeth Brown and Ger White and lots of expert advice including the continuing How Stories Really Work Writer’s Workshop - this month: Growing Vacuums.


There’s another article from C. L. Steele and the next in The Wonderful World Of Marketing series: ‘Seven Aims of a Social Media Group’. In addition, we learn what V. H. Stone can teach us about the ‘Obstacles of a Part-Time Writer (And How To Get Past Them)’!


As usual, there’s more, including The Tragedy of Macbeth Part 21 by William Shakespeare, ‘A Window into Middle-Earth: Middle-earth and Yorkshire’, a Literally Literary Quiz, and more!



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In this timely twenty-third issue: 

We all know that Christmas is about more than the presents — but if you turn to page 119 of our special Christmas issue, subscribers can immediately download their Christmas gift: the e-book version of Myth & the ‘Now’! Here’s the blurb: This book takes the reader on a journey into the heart of myth and attempts to bring it into view in new ways. It’s a voyage which will visit unusual places, from Asgard and the world of the Norse Gods, to Navajo plains and Finnish lakes; along the way, be prepared to glimpse not only the evolution of human civilisation but the human soul and how it grows in individuals. Get ready to look beyond beyond the edge of fiction’s universe to an even wider world.

I hope you enjoy it! Meanwhile, although Santa couldn’t make it, you get to meet David Bailey, author of The Confessional Killings and a whole series of other books; there’s the final part of The Best of Clarendon House story ‘Doctor Zennik and the Cerebrachrone’ by Alexander Marshall; stories from Gary Bonn,Charlotte Langtree and a special Christmas story from the man who invented Christmas, Charles Dickens; more from How Stories Really Work; marketing advice that actually works; Macbeth; Tolkien and Christmas and much more!

Merry Christmas everyone! Here’s to a happier, healthier 2021!



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As the second year of the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine draws to its close, you will be able to sense in this issue the early signs of a massive explosion of creativity coming your way...

It starts with the announcement of three new anthologies from Clarendon House open for submissions right now! But the excitement continues with your chance to read the first part of David Bowmore’s award-winning story ‘Sins of The Father’, followed closely by a glimpse into the life of author Sharon Frame Gay, whose collection Song of the Highway was published recently.

There’s the next instalment of the serialisation of How Stories Really Work, where we meet one of the key archetypal figures in fiction — and then we have stories from C. L. Steele, Gary Bonn and Riham Adly as well as a classic tale from the time of King Arthur.

You get a special dose of poetry from Charlotte Langtree, Elizabeth Brown, Giuseppina Marino Leyland, Gary Bonn and Elizabeth Myhr, some key book marketing advice, the next episode of The Tragedy of Macbeth and much more!

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Inside the tempting TWENTY-FIFTH issue:


We launch at full speed into the third year of the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine with an in-depth interview with Peter Astle, author of the recently released collection Twists and Turns. Read Peter’s story and you’ll see immediately that he was born to be a writer — and his collection proves it!

Then you can read the second part of David Bowmore’s award-winning story ‘Sins of The Father’, which includes a chillingly realistic scene which captures David’s ability to grip readers; and you can also see the first instalment of Gary Bonn’s tale ‘Cutting It Fine’, more proof that he too is a master.

The next instalment of the serialisation of How Stories Really Work teaches you about plot vacuums — and then we have an excellent article from C. L. Steele on how to write an effective query letter. Enjoy the beautiful and lyrical poetry of Jennifer Brookins, and marvel at the artwork of the Birch Twins, as well as learn some key marketing advice — then catch the next episode of ‘Macbeth’ and a Master Author Showcase vignette from Virginia Woolf, plus, as usual, much more!



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Inside the treasured twenty-sixth issue:


So much going on in this issue, so I’ll do my best to be brief:

•It’s the return of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge! This is your opportunity to participate in the toughest writing contest in the world — and maybe win a book contract! Read all the details on page 10.

•In this issue, you get to meet Emily Fluke, author of the unique fantasy novel Eve of Anarchy! Turn to page 34.

•also in this issue, the final part of David Bowmore’s gritty thriller ‘Sins of The Father’, and Part Two of Gary Bonn’s unusual story ‘Cutting It Fine’, plus one of the world’s most renowned short tales, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’!

•AND after over two years it’s the final episode of the comic book adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth!

All this, plus a workshop on the MCU’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, an article on pitching by C. L. Steele, more from the Wonderful World of Marketing, poetry, a quiz, submission opportunities and free gifts!

Still the best value in the writing world! Enjoy!

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Inside the toasted twenty-seventh issue:


It might be my imagination, but it seems as though this issue is packed with even more wonders than usual. Inside, you’ll see:

• the first round of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge getting underway with ten stories which need YOUR input!

• an interview with RLM Cooper about her writing life and extraordinary book Legacy 627

• fantastic fiction including work by Gary Bonn, Elizabeth Montague, Hanja Kochansky, Kerri Jesmer, and a classic tale by Anton Chekhov

• how to tackle dialogue with C. L. Steele
• another instructive episode from How Stories Really Work • submission opportunities. including how to submit your 
work for possible publication by Clarendon House, and an exclusive anthology open for magazine subscribers only

• more invaluable data on how to do marketing the right way plus a quiz and gifts!

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Inside the tantalising twenty-eighth issue:


The question on everyone’s lips is ‘Who made it through to the second round of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2021?’ You can find out on page 14, and read the winning stories again — PLUS find out what this year’s Technical Challenge is! (Maybe the winners will have second thoughts…)


Also in this issue, other superb fiction from Kelli J. Gavin, Kerri Jesmer, Gary Bonn and one of the world’s story-telling greats, O. Henry! And you get to find out more about the incredible books of our special guest Pam Van Allen!



•Beautiful poetry from Julie Eger in the Best of Clarendon House selection, ‘Free Falling Eagles’— plus more poetry from Elizabeth Brown

•How to Write a Simple Detective Story (very pertinent in this issue, as you will see!) and an article about Colors in Literature by Eva Marie Cagley

• Big Bang Beginnings by C. L. Steele, and a special instalment of How Stories Really Work looking at C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!


As usual, there’s even more, including a quiz, news from around the world and gifts for subscribers.


Enjoy it all!

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Inside the twinkling twenty-ninth issue:


Things are hotting up in the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2021 — one contestant has dropped out, which narrows the field to only FOUR remaining authors. You can find out what it’s all about on page 10, and read the exciting Technical Challenge submissions — 1,000 word detective stories with a twist! (Your vote is needed to decide on the best three out of four.)


This issue is also packed with fiction from Gary Bonn, John F. Green, Shawn M. Klimek and another of the world’s story-telling greats, W. W. Jacobs! Plus you get to find out about the life and fabulous new fantasy of our special guest Bruce Rowe!


But that’s not all! This twinkling twenty-ninth issue also brings you:

•Beautiful artwork from Trish Bailey

• More poetry from Elizabeth Brown

• What Is The Middle Of The Short Story All About? with C. L. Steele

• How Stories Really Work examines William Shakespeare’s Macbeth!


In addition there’s a challenging literary quiz, super-pertinent advice on marketing your books, the route to getting your books published by Clarendon House and gifts for subscribers.


Enjoy it all!

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Inside the thaumaturgical thirtieth issue:


The big news is that in this issue you find out who has made it through to the final of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge! That’s on page 10 — and on page 18 you (and they) find out their daunting final task!

But we have lots more, as always, including:

Ash Gallagher talks about her life and work in our special feature

• we get to see behind the scenes in Steve Carr’s Sweetycat Press

• amazing fiction including the Best of Clarendon House feature ‘The Clock Struck Twelve’ by Brandy Bonifas, ‘A Cracked Teapot’ by Sherry Shahan, ‘The Littlest Snowman on Route 66 Part Two’ by John F. Green, and a classic Master Author Showcase: ‘The Necklace’ by Guy de Maupassant!

You’ll also find out how to greatly expand your writing productivity with David Evans Bailey, how Dickens created a masterpiece in the How Stories Really Work Workshop, how to manage the ending of your story with C. J. Steele plus discover how to use social media the right way in the Wonderful World of Marketing!

And much more! 


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Inside the thrillseeking thirty-first issue:


It’s here! One of the most exciting and challenging writers’ competitions in the world has reached its climax! Turn to page 10 to read about the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge and peruse the final entries — remember, the winner depends upon YOUR vote, by September 5th!

BUT of course that’s not all! In this issue:

• the marvellous Mel Lee Newmin gives us insights into her fascinating life and the development of her career as an author, including some behind-the-scenes glimpses of her blockbuster Noman’s Land

•read Emily Fluke’s ‘What Happened to Asher’ in the Best of Clarendon House

•discover how Comedies function in the How Stories Really Work Case Study of the American smash-hit Friends

•get your very own Marketing Programme, virtually guaranteed to increase your book sales

•read Part One of the classic story ‘Rip Van Winkle’ by Washington Irving

…and much more!


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Inside the thunderous thirty-second issue:


It might be my imagination, but I get the impression that this issue of the world’s most exciting writers’ magazine is packed with even more wonders than ever!

The big news is of course the winner of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge for this year, and you can find out who has scored a book contract by triumphing in the final of one of the world’s toughest writing contests by going to page 11. Congratulations to that author!

Then we have a special interview with author Sherry Shahan about her remarkable book Purple Daze; The Best of Clarendon House featuring the award-winning story ‘Following Gita’ by Peter Astle; other fabulous fiction including Part Two of ‘Rip Van Winkle’ by Washington Irving; expert advice on character and plot, plus how to run your writing career like a business; an article about flashbacks from C. L. Steele; beautiful artwork from Gemma Johnston; wonderful poetry from Joan McNerney…and much more, including a glimpse into the imagination of J. R. R. Tolkien!


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Inside the thorough thirty-third issue:


We’re jam-packed with writing goodness this month: 

• fabulous fiction including The Best of Clarendon House: ‘Her Sister’s Keeper Part One’ by P. A. O’Neil

• a Classic Masterpiece begins this issue - George MacDonald’s ‘At The Back Of The North Wind’ 

• Master Author Showcase: An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

PLUS author Jill Kiesow tells us about her writing life and introduces us to her book Wet Wings.

This month’s expert advice includes an examination of screenplays as Heather Hood looks at Batman Begins, and our How Stories Really Work Writer’s Workshop continues by revealing the secrets of attention! Learn how to ‘Unpack Thought Verbs’ with C. L. Steele, and The Wonderful World of Marketing teaches us writers ‘What Businesses Do’.

In addition to all that, take a look at our FREE companion magazine launched this month: The Clarendon House Short Story Magazine, containing gems from Peter Astle, David Bowmore, R. A. Goli and others.


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Inside the thrilling thirty-fourth issue:


Things not to be missed this month include:

• The Best of Clarendon House: ‘Her Sister’s Keeper Part Two’, the exciting conclusion to P. A. O’Neil’s unusual tale of Edwardian London

• Classic Masterpieces: George MacDonald’s magical ‘At the Back of the North Wind’ continues

Edith Nesbit features in our Master Author Showcase with her short story ‘Rounding Off A Scene’

• we get to meet P. C. DARKCLIFF, author of Celts and the Mad Goddess and much more

Expert writing advice this month includes:

Sultana Raza helping us with her article ‘Taking Stock of Your Inner/Creative Writing Journey’

• the How Stories Really Work workshop — this month: ‘Developing Fiction That Really Works’

C. L. Steele gives us some tips about writing about fabulous and not-so-fabulous creatures in ‘Monster Writing Rules’

• The Wonderful World of Marketing spots the signs of ‘The Failing Business’

plus a quiz, The Story Creation Handbook, how to get published through Clarendon House, how to make more money from your book sales, and the epic search for Gawain’s Green Chapel!


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Merry Christmas one and all and best wishes for this festive season! Subscribers, go to page 9 to download your Christmas gift: the e-book Master Author Showcase, available till mid-January!

As you might expect, this Christmas issue is packed with plenty of goodies for all, including the poetry of Harris Tobias and Christina; The Best of Clarendon House: Part One of ‘Mouses and Rats Cot Reel Cheep’ by Gabriella Balcom; Classic Masterpieces featuring Chapter 3 of At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald; short stories ‘Lonely God’ by Gary Bonn and ‘A Sweetwater Christmas’ by C. L. Steele plus a seasonal Master Author Showcase: ‘Christmas Day in the Morning’ by Pearl S. Buck.

Plus, in this issue we get to meet JENNIFER BROOKINS, author of Molly’s War and Other Short Stories, and you get expert advice from Sultana Raza and Nadia Ali. The How Stories Really Work workshop continues with a close reading of Charles Dickens’ classic ‘The Signalman’, and, in The Wonderful World of Marketing you get to analyse your writing career.

Plus much more!

I hope you enjoy it all!

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As we come to the close of the third year of the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine, we have some special treats in store in this issue, including:

• an interview with Mark Scheel, the author of the new novel The Potter’s Wheel, hailed by many as a masterpiece

• an incredible range of fictive delights from David M. Donachie, Gabriella Balcom, Harris Tobias, George MacDonald, and a classic detective tale from Agatha Christie featuring Hercule Poirot, plus poetry from Christina and Elizabeth Brown

• the continuing journey into understanding your own writing which is the How Stories Really Work writers’ workshop, this month examining the key Chapter Two of The Lord of the Rings

• another chapter in our fascinating exploration of the fundamentals of business, so that you can build a stable writing career

PLUS how to make more money from your writing, how to get published by Clarendon House, gifts for subscribers and much more!


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The fourth year of the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine gets off to a roaring start, with:

• an interview with Ruth Morgan, the author of the collection The Whitworth Mysteries, set in outback Australia

• The Best of Clarendon House featuring ‘Scorched Earth’, pure science fiction of the most interesting kind, by Mel Lee Newmin

• short fiction from Tim Law, Alexander Marshall and Gary Bonn

• the next chapter of George MacDonald’s fabulous tale ‘At the Back of the North Wind’

• a classic piece of science fiction satire from Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

• the continuing journey into the mechanics of fiction with the How Stories Really Work writers’ workshop, this month examining Chapter One of C. S. Lewis’s Voyage to Venus

• a key chapter in our exploration of the fundamentals of business, looking at the engine which drives all success

PLUS a look at writing flash fiction with Denise D’Souza, new submission opportunities with Clarendon House, gifts for subscribers and much more!


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This month, a special interview with Sarah Bailey, who is not only the author of many different novels but who has set up her own publishing imprint!

And the much-awaited return of The Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge — details on page 14! Read how YOU could earn a book contract from Clarendon House Publications in 2022.

• The Best of Clarendon House features Eamon O’Leary’s moving and prize-winning story ‘No Answer’

• short fiction from Tim Law, Alexander Marshall and Elizabeth Brown

• the next chapter of George MacDonald’s fabulous tale ‘At the Back of the North Wind’

• a classic P. G. Wodehouse story ‘Leave It to Jeeves’

• the concluding part of the How Stories Really Work writers’ workshop

• another chapter in our exploration of the fundamentals of business, looking at how to find your public

PLUS a personal look at C. S. Lewis’s Northern Ireland, new submission opportunities with Clarendon House, gifts for subscribers and much more!


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Three years ago, RIHAM ADLY graced our cover (see Issue # 4 below), and now she’s back! This time she’s here to tell us all about her extraordinary new collection, Love Is Make-Believe, received rapturously by critics around the world.

And you’ll get a glimpse of what they have to say in our article about her fiction, ‘The Nature of Make-Believe’ on page 54.

Of course, the magazine is also packed with other features, including fiction from Tim Law, Jim Bates, George MacDonald and part one of a classic tale by Richard Connell.

BUT what you’re all probably dying to read first are the ten entries for the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge! You can begin perusing those on page 16 — and then YOUR VOTE IS NEEDED BY MAY 5th!

In addition, this issue we begin a fantastic new serialisation of the book Myth & the ‘Now’ which will take you where you’ve never been before in the world of storytelling.

You’ll also learn more about the business side of being a writer, and find out why you absolutely need to take a journey to Samantha Hamilton’s Blekeleigh Court as soon as you can!

PLUS much, much more! 


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Exciting times! On page 14 you can catch up with the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge, re-reading the winning entries from the first round, but also finding out what the Technical Challenge is for 2022!


Plus on page 52 you get to meet Brent A. Harris and find out all about his fantastic books!


There’s a whole range of fiction from Tim Law, George MacDonald and Richard Connell and Frank Kozusko presents his award-winning story ‘Links’ in our Best of Clarendon House feature.


In addition you can journey right to the heart of fiction in our Myth & the ‘Now’ serialisation AND find out more about how to run your writing career as a viable business!


Of course, there’s more, including a quiz, amazing submission opportunities, artwork from Thomas R. Bates, and an audiobook review from Tony J. Fyler.



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Things get more wonderful with each passing month! In this issue we have an abundance of fabulous fiction, from Peter Toeg, Tim Law, Matt Garon, classic authors George MacDonald and G. K. Chesterton PLUS the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge Technical Round stories from contestants Sally Eberhardt, Cliff Henderson, V. H Stone, Lesley Mace and EJ Nickson! Read them and vote for your TOP THREE!


You also get to meet author Jim Bates and find out about his life and his recently released collection of short stories, Dreamers.


AND on Page 8 you can read about the new special offers available to subscribers, including feedback on your work, proofreading and a marketing programme!


On top of all that, there’s another glimpse behind the world of fiction in the Myth & the ‘Now’ serialisation, plus a quiz, gifts, and business advice!



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This month, meet the finalists for the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2022, as chosen by YOU, the reader! PLUS they find out their final challenge!

Also meet author Jan McCulloch and find out about her amazing life and her book A Little Dog’s Prayer.

Plus we’re loaded with fiction, including stories from Tim Law, Alexander Marshall, George MacDonald and D. H. Lawrence, plus poetry by John Grey, Suranjit Gain, Mark Kuglin, Christina and Dr Pragya Suman.

Gary Bonn takes a look at Mel Lee Newmin’s soon-to-be-classic sci-fi masterpiece Noman’s Land from the viewpoints of reader and writer, and we have special offers for subscribers, submission opportunities, a quiz and much more!



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The final is finally here! Turn to page 14 and start reading the entries for 2022’s Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge — and then YOU get to vote to determine who gets a book contract and other benefits!

On page 36 we get to catch up with Sharon Frame Gay and find out all about her new collection The Nomad Diner. Then there’s fiction from Tim Law, George MacDonald and the first part of ‘The Three Strangers’ by Thomas Hardy, plus poetry from Kiesa Kay, Elizabeth Brown and David Painter

Plus you can journey into the void behind all creation in our next instalment from Myth & the ‘Now’, and find out how to attract prospects in the Wonderful World of Marketing.

Along with submission opportunities, special offers, a quiz and gifts, there’s more than you dreamt of in this issue!


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Yes, it’s true! In this issue you can find out who has won the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge for 2022! Turn to page 14 for more.

On page 36 you can begin to find out more about best-selling author Anthony Wood and his series of books, and on page 70 you can read poetry by Roksana Szczesny and Amrita Valan —then on page 76 you can continue Diamond’s dreamlike adventures at the back of the North Wind in George MacDonald’s classic tale.

We also have more fiction from Tim Law, as well as the concluding part of Thomas Hardy’s story ‘The Three Strangers’.

You’ll also gain fabulous insights into the world of writing from Gary Bonn and in the series Myth & the ‘Now’, plus you can find out more about how a business operates successfully in The Wonderful World of Marketing. 

All this plus a quiz, gifts for subscribers, ongoing submission opportunities and special offers!


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In this issue, there’s a new competition: turn to page 66 to find out about the Quick As Lightning Flash Fiction Contest, due date end of October — with your chance to win an e-copy of the amazing book Become a Professional Author!

Also in this issue: the return of Giuseppina Marino Leyland, who tells us about her latest projects, including the collection Pezzi Pazzi 2.

You can also find out about Worldbuilding from one of the masters of the trade, Gary Bonn; and you can discover more about using writing prompts from author, editor, writing coach, mentor, academician, and spiritual counsellor, Noelle Sterne.

Plus there are our usual popular features, including the next chapter of George MacDonald’s masterpiece, ‘At the Back of the North Wind’, and a tale of deception from O. Henry, ‘The Duplicity of Hargraves’.

And there’s much more of course: the poetry of Pawel Markiewicz, submission opportunities, gifts, a quiz and channels to some of the best fiction written today!


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In this free-spirited forty-sixth issue, we get to meet the multi-talented Sam Phillips and learn about his burgeoning career as an author and publisher (see page 36) AND we find out who won a copy of the book Become a Professional Author in the Quick as Lightning Flash Fiction Contest starting on page 14.

We also begin our travels through Oxford with Annie Nardone, and get to enjoy the latest TWO chapters from George MacDonald’s classic ‘At the Back of the North Wind’.

Go on another journey into the depths of fiction in Myth & the ‘Now’ on page 94, discover the anatomy of the resistive prospect on page 112 and delve into William Makepeace Thackeray’s humorous horror story in Part One of ‘Bluebeard’s Ghost’

And there’s much more, of course, including a quiz and amazing submission opportunities.


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Merry Christmas to one and all! There are gifts available to all readers on page 8, but subscribers get to access the special e-book 7 Secrets of Successful Stories by going to the webpage from which they download the magazine — the 60-page e-book is waiting for you there, and will be available until mid-January. I hope you really enjoy it!

In this issue, we get to explore the fascinating world of L. Jagi Lamplighter — plus we get story-writing tips from Noelle Sterne and Gary Bonn, as well as the next instalment of George MacDonald’s ‘At the Back of the North Wind’, and Part Two of William Makepeace Thackeray’s tale ‘Bluebeard’s Ghost’! In addition, there’s fiction from Jim Bates and Gabriella Balcom!

We also find out more about Annie Nardone’s trip to literary Oxford, plus more about what lies behind fiction in the next episode of Myth & the ‘Now’, and you can learn more about the principles behind establishing a writing career in The Wonderful World of Marketing! And of course, there’s more, including a quiz and submission opportunities!


As we reach the end of the fourth year of the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine, we are privileged to get a glimpse into the world of author Peter Toeg and learn about the background to his collection Love & Fate, plus we get fiction from Jim Bates and Gabriella Balcom, another episode in the continuing story of 'At the Back of the North Wind' by George MacDonald, and an unusual tale from legendary author Honore de Balzac!

In addition, we have a review of Sharon Frame Gay’s Song of the Highway collection by Gary Bonn, and insight into how to set up and run an e-newsletter from experienced author Elizabeth Bailey, as well as poetry from PaweÅ‚ Markiewicz, Elizabeth Brown, Fabrice B. Poussin and John Grey.

Plus more insights into the processes behind the creation of fiction in our serialisation of Myth & the ‘Now’, and an examination of concepts behind finances in The Wonderful World of Marketing.

That’s not all of course: submission opportunities, a quiz and other delights lay within!


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The world’s most exciting writers’ magazine enters its fifth year with fiction from Jim Bates, David Sheskin, George MacDonald and Ambrose Bierce — plus the poetry of Petrouchka Alexieva.

Then you can find out more about David Jack’s work with the stories of George MacDonald in our special feature — and then journey behind the scenes of storytelling with Myth & the ‘Now’, and find out how to build a writing career in The Wonderful World of Marketing.

We pick up the take of Annie Nardone’s trip to literary Oxford — and you can discover more submission opportunities with Clarendon House!

BUT this is the month you will also want to SUBSCRIBE so that you don’t miss our upcoming 50th issue with gifts galore!


We made it to the fiftieth issue! Many thanks to all the loyal subscribers who have supported the magazine this far. The world’s most exciting writers’ magazine forms an ever-growing library of knowledge and beauty to which you can refer for years to come.

In this issue, apart from looking back and celebrating what has been achieved, there’s also fabulous fiction from Gary Bonn, Alexander Marshall —and H. G. Wells in the Master Author Showcase story ‘The Magic Shop’.

The Wonderful World of Marketing points us in the right direction to actually selling our books, while Myth & the ‘Now’ goes behind the scenes to explain some of the mysteries of storytelling — but the thing most of you are probably waiting for is the return of the fabled Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge! Take a look on page 10 and find out what you have to do to be a contender for a book contract with Clarendon House!

And there’s much more of course, including the chance for subscribers to download the amazing Story Creation Handbook, containing thousands of templates for potential stories using the secrets of master authors! Free to subscribers, old and new!

Enjoy this issue and here’s to the next fifty!

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Inside this issue: a fascinating interview with Charlotte Langtree, winner of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2021, which came with a book contract with Clarendon House — and the result of that contract is her stunning debut fantasy collection, Fractured: Tales of Flame and Fury, about which you can read more in the interview!

Also we have the first ten entries in this year’s Challenge — and YOUR vote is needed to see which five progress to the next round!

On top of that, we have fiction from Jim Bates, Alexander Marshall, George MacDonald and Lord Dunsany, as well as the first part of a special essay on writing for children by none other than C. S. Lewis!

You can also get tips on how to break through on selling your books in The Wonderful World of Marketing, as well as glimpse behind the scenes of storytelling in our ongoing serialisation of the intriguing Myth & the ‘Now’.

Plus a quiz, submission opportunities and more!


Inside this issue:

Turn immediately to page 10 and begin to find out what’s happening in the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2023, with the second round entries revealed, along with their authors’  Technical Challenge — which this year is very challenging!

On page 34 we get to catch up with Wilbur Smith Award-winning author Bill Swiggs, whose latest thriller Mekong Sky has just been published by Clarendon House!

On page 28, Tony J. Fyler reviews the Jules Verne classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and on page 71 you can catch the second part of C. S. Lewis’s enlightening article on how to write for children.

But that’s not all: our presentation of fiction this month includes the beautiful short story ‘Memories Left Behind’ by Peter Toeg, and the continuing saga of George MacDonald’s ‘At the Back of the North Wind' —and another fully  illustrated classic, Edgar Allan Poe’s famous ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’!

Plus submission opportunities and a quiz, AND a free copy of the amazing Story Creation Handbook for subscribers!


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Enthusiasts for the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge (which results in a book contract and other benefits for the lucky winner) will want to turn straight away to page 10 to begin to enjoy the entries for the Technical Round, one of the toughest challenges in the history of the competition.

But in this issue we also get to meet author and poet David Painter, and enjoy articles from Gary Bonn and Mark Scheel as well as George MacDonald’s continuing story, ‘At the Back of the North Wind’.

Our serialisation of the fascinating Myth & the ‘Now’ continues on page  104, plus you can find out how to build the foundations of a successful writing career through our ongoing series The Wonderful World of Marketing on page 122.

AND we have Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Selfish Giant’ in Master Author Showcase, and much more!


As things draw to a senses-shattering climax in the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge for 2023, we find out in this issue who YOU voted through to the final - AND what their final challenge will be!

Also, we get to meet Andrew Birch and discover the background to the sensational science fiction collection Spacetruckers, plus fiction from Mitchell Waldman, Alexander Marshall, George MacDonald and Ernest Hemingway!

In addition, we have another review from Gary Bonn and more from the worlds behind fiction in Myth & the ‘Now’, plus insight into how to establish your writing career in The Wonderful World of Marketing.

And much more, of course!

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It’s time! Turn to page 10 and begin to experience the wonders of the final of the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge 2023! And then YOUR vote is needed to decide who of the finalists will win a book contract and other goodies!

Also in this issue we find out about P. A. O’Neil’s professional writing life and she tells us about her best-selling collection, Witness Testimony and Other Tales.

We also have the next episode in George MacDonald’s enchanting story ‘At the Back of the North Wind’ and the concluding part of Ernest Hemingway’s moving tale, ‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro’.

Naturally, there’s much more, including the next instalment of Annie Nardone’s Oxford travel blog, the next part of Myth & the ‘Now’, marketing advice, a quiz and author gifts that could change your life!


Yee-haw! Boy, have we got a special issue for you this month! Not only do we have Western tales from Alexander Marshall, Sharon Frame Gay, Carmen Baca and the legendary Zane Grey, we also get to hear all about Sharon’s Wild West adventures in a special interview celebrating her collection The Wrong End of a Bullet! Continuing our Western theme, The Wonderful World of Marketing looks at 'The Marlboro Man' marketing campaign and isolates how you can use its success as a writer.

But top of our agenda is the announcement of 2023’s winner of The Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge! Who made it through one of the toughest writers’ contests on the planet to win a book contract with Clarendon House? Turn to page 11 to find out!

In addition to all this, we have our usual features, including the next chapter of George MacDonald’s fabulous tale, ‘At the Back of the North Wind’, plus the final instalment of our serialisation of Myth & the ‘Now’ - and much more, of course! Enjoy!

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