P. A. O'Neil
P.A. O’Neil has been writing professionally for seven years. In that time, her stories have been featured in multiple anthologies (many of them international best-sellers), as well as on-line journals and magazines from several continents. She and her husband reside in Olympia, Washington, with her adult children living nearby.

Clarendon House books which feature stories by P. A. O'Neil

Miracle: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Christian Stories Anthology 2018
Part of the problem of today’s society - arguably, its most essential problem - is that it lacks a vision which goes right to the heart of human suffering and still finds that hope, light and even joy are truer than misery, death and pain. The stories in this book each reflect upon that problem in some way, and conclude that, rather than being either a meaningless and indifferent universe, or one in which we are persecuted victims of a faceless power, perhaps there is something else at work: perhaps — just perhaps, mind — the older world was not as deluded by superstition as many think, but actually had a pretty firm grasp of certain foundational truths which the last hundred years or so have eroded away in the popular mind.
Perhaps a Christian story is a way, in other words, of revealing something about reality which few other kinds of story can do.
Whether or not the authors in this book succeeded in their revelations is up to you.
But it can make quite a difference to a life when they do succeed.

Enigma: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Crime/Mystery/Thriller Anthology 2018
In these 26 stories, over 300 pages, you can experience not only joy over and over again as complex and befuddling lines of enquiry resolve into simplicities, but also see what new and experienced authors have done with the format of the crime, mystery and thriller genres, twisting them in new directions, surprising you in new ways, delighting you with new visions.
From the traditional old-fashioned country houses in which puzzling crimes have detained important guests, to grim and disturbing urban transgressions, to gripping thrillers with unforeseen twists, prepare to be entertained and enthralled. These skilful writers know how to bamboozle you, commanding your attention before you are aware of it, leaving you guessing all the way.
But more than that: you’ll often find within these stories a profound understanding of humanity, both its criminals and its crazies, as well as its heroes and heroines.

Rapture: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Romance Anthology 2018
The genre of romantic fiction is one which easily conjures cliché images of tall, dark strangers and meetings across crowded rooms. This anthology blows those clichés apart: here you will find genre-spanning stories which test the outer limits of what romance is, and which also explore its depths in the heart.
Prepare for surprises, passion, energy and a smattering of the unusual; prepare for mini-sagas set in foreign climes, short pieces which evoke amorous devotion, and even some alluring poetry, in one of the most entertaining, thoughtful and heart-warming collections produced this year.

Fireburst: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Second Flash Fiction Anthology 2018
Intense, keen, extreme, sincere, deeply felt, wholehearted - you’ll find stories within ranging from the amusing to the overwhelming, from the earnest to the cute. Clarendon House has once again drawn together a selection of fabulous talents to weave you into their story worlds so that you will scarcely believe what can be done in less than 2,000 words per tale. Perfect if you want to relish the moments; ideal if you desire entertainment on-the-run; essential if you’re eager to see what the future has to offer in terms of great writers - this is the book for you.

Window: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Children's Anthology 2018
This book is for readers aged 8 to 80, and contains many adventures of various kinds, ranging from travels with faeries (spelt with an ‘e’) to challenges in the playground, as well as other things you can scarcely imagine.
You’ll meet dogs and cats, wizards and dinosaurs, princesses and leprechauns, mermaids and men made of spice - and much more.
You’ll meet creatures both real and fantastic, find courage in the face of the amazing and bravery when everything looks dark.
Some of these tales might even become favourites that will linger with you long after you close these pages.

Vortex: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Literary Anthology 2018
If we define ‘literary’ as fiction without barriers, then the book you hold in front of you is a potent and vibrant contradiction. This little book seems a finite thing - but it is actually a portal to other worlds, much larger in scope and depth than its size would suggest. Within, you’ll find passion and poetic prose that will haunt you, experimental fiction that will challenge you, tales that will make you laugh, some that will make you cry, and many that will enthral you from beginning to end. The question that may occur to you as you complete this book is ‘Why aren’t these authors all world-famous?’
You were here at the beginning.

Storm: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Fantasy Anthology 2018
Think of it like this: the universe is an immense and wonderful stained glass window. Science and science fiction writers look at the structure of the window itself - how it is put together, what it does, how it works; the other way of looking at things, which gives rise to High Fantasy, looks through the window to see what’s outside.
The range of stories I received for this anthology was immensely wide - some comic, some traditional ‘sword and sorcery’ type tales, and some philosophical. Let’s see which ones help us to see through the window.
-Grant P. Hudson, Editor

Galaxy: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Science Fiction Anthology 2018
Journey to landscapes beyond your imagination; encounter horrors and wonders you have never dreamed of; shift through time and space, sometimes out of control…
From a mix of brand new and well-established short story writers comes this fantastic mix of tales, intense, haunting, compelling, to pluck at your hearts and stretch your vision of both the future and the past.
Let Steve Carr, Gary Bonn, Samantha Hamilton and many others open doors to other worlds for you. Sometimes you may want to stay…

Flashpoint: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Flash Fiction Anthology 2018
What sort of effect can an author create in around 1,000 words or less?
With this anthology, you have in your hands a collection of forty very short stories, each of which has its own power to evoke emotions within you. There’s tragedy, there’s humour, there’s science fiction and drama, there’s a mixture of just about everything here, from completely new and long-established short story writers.
You will never know what lies waiting for you on the next electrifying page…
Other publications which feature stories by P. A. O'Neil
“Sara Hemming – Psychic Redecorator”, Anthology Askew Vol. 4 – Communications, RhetAskew Publishing (Oct 2017)
“Witness Testimony”, Relationship Add Vice, Zombie Pirate Publishing (Dec 2017)
“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”, FLASHPOINT – The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Flash Fiction Anthology 2018, Clarendon House Publications (Mar 2018)
“Girl of His Dreams”, STORM - The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Fantasy Anthology, Clarendon House Publications (Apr 2018)
“KaDee Rose”, VORTEX - The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Literary Anthology, Clarendon House Publications (May 2018)
“Trixie Neumann, I Want to be a Princess”, WINDOW - The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Children’s Anthology, Clarendon House Publications (Jun 2018)
“Georgia, 1966”, Spillwords Press (3 July 2018) http://spillwords.com/georgia-1966/
Winner of the Story of the Month Award
“Pink and Gray Ash”, The Crow Literary Journal, Vol. 1 (Jul 2018)
“Miss Cluny Remembers”, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, (22 August 2018), https://writinginawomansvoice.blogspot.com/2018/08/misscluny-remembers-byp.html?spref=fb
“Airing the Dairy”, FIREBURST – The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Second Flash Fiction Anthology 2018, Clarendon House Publications (Aug 2018)
“The Submission Process for a Short Story or What I Wish Someone Had Taught Me”, an essay in four parts written under the name of Patt O’Neil, Writers Unite! Worldwide, https://writersuniteweb.wordpress.com/patt-oneil-the-submission-process-for-a-short-story-or-what-i-wish-someone-had-taught-me/
“The Obelisk”, Dastaan World Magazine: Chapter 5 – Evolution, (14 October 2018), https://view.joomag.com/dastaan-world-chapter-5/0438702001539548539
“Pardon Me”, RAPTURE – The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Romance Anthology 2018, Clarendon House Publications (Nov 2018)
“The Web Weaver’s Sacrifice”, Literary Yard, (16 November 2018), https://literaryyard.com/2018/11/16/the-web-weavers-sacrifice/
“A Positive Session”, Dastaan World Magazine: Chapter 7 – Gratitude, (22 November 2018),
“Her Sister’s Keeper”, ENIGMA – The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Crime/Mystery/Thriller Anthology 2018, Clarendon House Publications (Dec 2018)
“Big Puffy Coat”, MIRACLE - The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Christian Stories Anthology 2018, Clarendon House Publications (Dec 2018)
“The Pain of Responsibility”, Flash Fiction Addiction, Zombie Pirate Publishing (Apr 2019)
“Bougie de Voyage”, Fae Thee Well, Dreampunk Publishing, (Jan 2019)
“The Matchmaker’s Reward”, Dastaan World Inaugural Anthology: Athena, Dastaan World, (withdrawn to publish in my own collection)
“Coconut Villas”, The Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine, Issue #2 (15 March 2019)
“Death Imitating Art”, Academy of the Heart and Mind, (8 April 2019) https://academyoftheheartandmind.wordpress.com/2019/04/08/death-imitating-art/
“Miss Cluny Remembers”, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, (4 May 2019),
“A Story of Cinders and Hope”, Dastaan World Magazine, Chapter 13 – Miracles (26 May 2019) https://view.joomag.com/dastaan-world-issue-13-miracles/0278205001558038904?token=xBd7xtAGSSqOjuMAXE079E0J2JAINuKqRE3QVHPRyMTd%2BDT3LMqmIszpuCMeUrdT9hjHq8Gk5I1bVAk3hB845bJn7FX4w%2BBdAmu%2BF3RhX%2B13UvzLk%2F1X%2FjnuJvXYWgxOeZiP%2FT7NRLJQitP%2BficvR0351rIUHANl9peyoCZ8kakzQnwT07uDKTKeJsYZ6biZXyYXaJnNfQ69v%2FTA92n3UA%3D%3D&ref=email
“A Quiet House”, The Chachalaca Review Spring 2019, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, (25 April 2019) https://chachalacareview.com/the-quiet-house
“The Sending”, The Chachalaca Review Spring 2019, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, (25 April 2019) https://chachalacareview.com/the-sending
“Two Old Souls”, Escaped Ink, (Nov 2019) https://www.amazon.com/Tall-Tales-Short-Stories-Anthology-ebook/dp/B07YZ4SC89/ref=sr_1_1?crid=303HU2S2GQ0VH&keywords=tall+tales+and+short+stories&qid=1573932511&s=digital-text&sprefix=Tall+Tales+and+Short%2Cdigital-text%2C229&sr=1-1
“Letters from Jenni”, Anthology Askew Vol. 7 – Thrills, RhetAskew Publishing (Dec 2019)
“The Bullfighter’s Waltz”, Rope and Wire, (18 June 2019) https://www.ropeandwire.com/side-trail-story-the-bullfighters-waltz-p-a-oneil.html
“The Obelisk”, Spillwords Press (18 August 2019) https://spillwords.com/the-obelisk/
“The Good Student”, Rejected, edited by Erin Crocker, Independent Publisher (Dec 2019)
“Kadee Rose”, Tales of the Southwest, J.F. Green - Publisher (September 2019)
“Girl of His Dreams”, Spillwords.com (24 October 2019) https://spillwords.com/girl-of-his-dreams/
“The Pain of Responsibility”, Treasure Chest, Zombie Pirate Publishing (Dec 2019) https://www.amazon.com/TREASURE-CHEST-Selected-Short-Stories-ebook/dp/B081J4P8F2/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=Zombie+Pirate+Publishing&qid=1573932264&s=digital-text&sr=1-3
“A Christmas to Remember”, Christmas Lites IX, edited by Amy Huntley, Independently Published (Dec 2019)
“Pardon Me,” Love is Love: Book 1, Breaking Rules Publishing (Feb 2020)
“The Web Weaver’s Sacrifice,” Spillwords.com (11 February 2020) https://spillwords.com/the-web-weavers-sacrifice/
“P.A. O’Neil”, Who’s Who in Emerging Writers 2020, Sweetycat Press (Jun 2020)
“Trixie Neumann, I Want to be a Princess,” Spillwords.com (19 Apr 2020) https://spillwords.com/trixie-neumann-i-want-to-be-a-princess /
“Anything for a Friend,” Fox Hollow Stories (1 Nov 2020) https://www.foxhollowstories.com/fox-hollow-stories
“Milton Fine,” Passenger 13 (Pandemic #1), Black Hare Press (May 2020)
Witness Testimony and Other Tales, Clarendon House Publications, available in paperback and ebook from Amazon (Apr 2020)
“Four Days in an Italian Village”, Lockdown Romance #1, Black Hare Press (Aug 2020)
The Book of Books, Sweetycat Press (Aug 2020)
“Bougie de Voyage”, Paper Djinn Press, (7 July 2020) http://paperdjinnpress.com/bougie-de-voyage-p-a-oneil/?fbclid=IwAR2Af8cLuVo4xXrMMZCGEHjC_TTwJhbchCgBJKAZ6sZ2IK1I2Qz9GaPEFQU
“Family Resemblance”, Portland Metrozine, Summer 2020 https://portlandmetrozine.com/#Title8
“The Obelisk”, Portland Metrozine, Fall 2020 (Nov 2020)
“I, P.A. O’Neil”, I, the Writer, Sweetycat Press (Oct 2020)
“The Quiet House”, Spillwords.com (14 Nov 2020) The Quiet House, short story by P.A. O'Neil at Spillwords.com
Winner of the Story of the Month Award
“Anything for a Friend”, Nothing Ever Happens in Fox Hollow – Volume 1: A Horror Short Story Anthology (Dec 2020)
“The Case of Her Sister’s Keeper”, a radio podcast by Timothy Rubio, (release unknown)
“Redemption of a Dove”, Dimensions of the Wild West, Writers Unite! Anthology (Apr 2021)
“Coconut Villas”, Spillwords.com (18 March 2021) Coconut Villas, flash fiction by P.A. O'Neil at Spillwords.com
“Pastor Norton”, Discordia!, Dastaan World Books (publication date TBD)
“Bougie de Voyage”, Fellowship & Fairydust Magazine, (publication date TBD)
“P.A. O’Neil”, Who’s Who in Emerging Writers 2021, Sweetycat Press (May 2021)
“The Great Burro Revolt”, Rope and Wire, (16 May 2021) Beyond the Western story titled The Great Burro Revolt by P.A. O'Neil (ropeandwire.com)
“A Story of Cinders and Ash”, Journeys anthology, (anticipated release 1 Nov 2021)
“Death Imitating Art”, Anthology of Short Stories, Autumn 2021, Fenechty Publishing, (Oct 2021)
“Death’s Blessing”, Rise and Fall, Breaking Rules Europe, (anticipated release Winter 2021)
“Ellensburg Rodeo: Almost a Century of Something Special”, Saddlebag Dispatches,
(anticipated release Summer 2022)
“Her Sister’s Keeper”, Inner Circle Writers’ Group Magazine, Clarendon House Press (Oct 2021)
“Her Sister’s Keeper”, Clarendon House Short Story Magazine, Clarendon House Press, (Oct. 2021)