A Quick But Important Survey For Writers

Here’s an important survey for you as a writer. Based on your feedback, I will develop through Clarendon House services and products to help you. To make it possibly easier for you to answer, I’ve also created a Word doc which you can fill in at your leisure.
Answers in any form can be sent to:
Please take your time and answer as accurately as you can. That will help not only yourself but potentially others as well.
1. What are your top 3 goals with writing?
2. What roadblocks are stopping you from achieving those goals?
3. What methods have you tried to overcome those roadblocks?
4. What are your top 3 frustrations with those methods?
5. What are 3 questions that - if you had the answers to - would make those frustrations go away?
6. What is your #1 fear involving writing — something that you want to avoid at all costs?
Thanks for taking the time to answer! Stay tuned for results!