A Revised Guide to the Inner Circle Writers' Magazine

Your Guide to
the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine
The Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine exists as an exciting communication channel for you. It launched in 2019 and is now in its third year. The magazine contains an immense variety of material from all over the world, dealing with a huge range of topics, and includes in-depth studies of particular areas, insights, tips, links to useful places, feedback from people across the planet, and new and classic fiction for your enjoyment. The product? To fulfil your needs as a writer and reader — even needs you didn’t know you had!
How did the magazine come about?
I did a couple of extensive polls in 2018 asking whether or not writers would be interested a monthly online magazine.
The response was overwhelmingly positive, and every time I mentioned even the idea of it I got a similar great reaction from people.
It seemed as though there was a real gap in the marketplace for an e-magazine which contained the precise things writers were interested in, which gave them information that they needed, which opened doors to more and more submission opportunities, which was full of exciting and insightful articles and excellent artwork, and which was available at almost no cost.
As an ongoing monthly magazine, a great deal of space is available for anyone who wants to submit their own work, fiction and non-fiction.
No charges are made for submitting artwork, articles, stories or other items.
What’s needed?
Main articles covering the following:
• Top writing tips • Advice on how to make more time for writing
• How to stop procrastinating • Advice on dealing with self-doubt • Detailed analyses of successful writing
• Detailed analyses of successful marketing • Behind-the-scenes glimpses of the whole industry connected with writing and publishing • A range of personal experiences and successes as a writer
• Best advice for new writers starting out • Specialist topics
• Studies of particular books or genres
...and so on, covering just about anything to do with the field of writing. Topics are virtually limitless, as you can see. And there is almost limitless space
in the magazine — being electronic, the only restrictions in size are to do with how much I think readers will want to read each month.
Short stories of any genre.
Flash fiction
Stories of about 2,000 words in length (new stories are encouraged, though previously published stories are also considered)
Excerpts of no more than 1,000 words, with an outline explaining the context of the excerpt. (Writers of such excerpts will need to be open to feedback from readers.)
Poetry Artwork Images will need to be the highest resolution you can manage, in order not to lose impact once they reach the pages of the magazine. Anything will be considered, other than pornographic or violent content. This includes comics and comic strips. Interviews Have you been interviewed? Have you interviewed someone else? If you would like the resulting interview to be more widely read, please submit it, along with a professional image of the interviewee. Authors are interviewed throughout the year. The magazine presents the opportunity to explore writers’ lives and work in a great deal more depth than is possible on social media. If you are interested in being interviewed, don’t be afraid! The questions will always be sympathetic and aimed at encouraging readers to delve into your work. If you would like to be the subject of one of these in-depth interviews, please let me know.
Technical Requirements
All submissions need to be emailed as attachments to
Word doc, font size 12, Times New Roman for written submissions; jpegs for images.
Articles in the magazine look closely at the writing of master authors and tell you what is working and why, in enough detail for you to learn from it. You’ll get mini-classes in the methodology described in my book How Stories Really Work, as well as advice based on the work of top writers.
But you can submit your own analyses of others’ work too!
Quizzes, Competitions, Jokes
There are opportunities to win things, to gain recognition, and to have fun. Please submit anything which you feel may be entertaining for readers.
Should you start sending in submissions right away? Yes! As it is an ongoing magazine, the deadline for submissions is ongoing — anything not accepted for one issue may well be considered for the next, and so on.
I very much look forward to hearing from you. You have something special to offer the world through your writing. Yes, you. And I consider it my task and my pleasure to provide you with as many opportunities to do so as I can.
Do contributors get paid?
Once the magazine gets to a stable 500 subscribers, I will offer cash rates, described here:
I’ll pay £50.00 for a lead story or article. I’ll pay £25.00 for a designated secondary story or article.
And I’ll pay £10.00 for a huge slice of other contributions. What’s more, if I can get to 1,000 subscribers, I will increase these rates accordingly.
We’re well on the way to 500 subscribers.
YOU can help get more subscribers, and thus have some kind of control over how far this goes. Talking about the magazine in other groups and with friends, inviting a few interested people, will result in numbers rapidly rising — and the magic threshold being crossed all that much sooner! And of course you can ask me any questions, anytime, by dropping me a line at
How can you advertise in the magazine?
The magazine is open to advertisers of all kinds. The audience is people aged from approximately 18 to 80, men and women, internationally based, with at least one big thing in common: a total passion about fiction. Many are established writers, many more are new writers striving to get published, but all of them are readers — they are consumers of books with voracious appetites, many genres, many lengths, many styles.
In many ways, they are like you. Hopefully they will include you, once you subscribe. Consequently, they are an audience of great interest to writers. I’m offering a special deal regarding space in the magazine for anyone to advertise their work — or their services, if you happen to be an editor, a designer, or offer some other services useful to writers. Because it is an electronic magazine, it’s possible to include links that lead readers directly to websites, blogs, book selling points and so forth.
Ads are able to be in colour.
You can get a full page, full colour ad with links for only £20.00.
That’s for one issue. If you want to book ads for more than one issue, drop me a line and we’ll work out a further deal:
I can only offer this deal because I feel that this is a ‘hot audience’ for your merchandise. As any of you who have read my marketing materials will know, block advertising is like ‘shouting from the rooftops’ unless your audience is already at least ‘warm’ — and in this magazine’s public, we have a gathering of people already interested to some degree in what you have to offer.
All advertising copy will be subject to editing review. I will even help with suggestions of how to improve your copy, where needed. How do you do this? Send your ad copy and images to
Payments will be required by PayPal to fulfil the arrangements. Just go here and look for the red box that says 'Want to advertise...?' PayPal will do the rest.
Remember, the idea is to create the world’s most exciting writers’ magazine. Be part of it. Any questions? Write to me: