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How to Submit to the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine

Many of you have; hundreds of you are talking about it; dozens of you submit things to it; and a whole load of you have subscribed to it. It costs less than £2.00 a month for subscribers (that’s roughly $US2.60) -less than the price of one cup of tea in a shop, for all the tremendous and lasting value that each issue will contain.

So, how does it all work?

The magazine launched early in 2019. It contains many, many things of great interest to you, including:

Main Articles (about such things as writing tips, dealing with self-doubt, detailed analyses of successful writing, personal experiences and successes from writers , favourite reading, advice for new writers starting out, specialist topics, studies of particular books or genres and so much more)

Short Stories of any genre, maximum length 5,000 words

Ongoing serials - which means that there is no set maximum length, if you think about it…


Excerpts from work that you are ready to share, with feedback

Interviews - would you like to be interviewed? Don’t be afraid! The questions will always be sympathetic and aimed at encouraging readers to delve into your work. If you would like to be the subject of one of these in-depth interviews, please let me know.

Submission Information - by which I mean the latest hard information on how to submit to Clarendon House Publications. The magazine is a ‘one-stop shop’ for writers looking to build a career from their work through Clarendon House (as many have).

Advertisements - there’ll be plenty of space to advertise your work with full page ads. As it’s an electronic mag, you can add links too. All for only £20.00 a page.

Analysis -I will look closely at the writing of master authors and tell you what is working and why, in enough detail for you to learn from it. You’ll get mini-classes in the methodology described in my book How Stories Really Work, as well as advice based on the work of top writers.

Tips, Advice, Hints

Quizzes, Competitions, Jokes

Cartoons and Comic Strips

Specialist articles about topics like the role of settings in fiction, the nature of characters in ongoing serials, the ways style can be used to create emotional effects, and so forth.



If you have anything that you think fits into the above broad categories, you are welcome to submit it. Now.

Or anything else which you think may be of interest to other writers. Get to it.

Just email your submission to me:

If you have artwork or an ad, I will need images of a high resolution.

I want the magazine to expand so that it reaches more and more writers - and I want it to be packed full of value so that each and every issue is eagerly awaited as both a tool for forwarding each writer’s career and as a source of enlightenment and entertainment. But I want everyone who contributes to it to flourish too.

When we get to 1,000 subscribers, I’ll offer the following:

£100.00 for a lead story or article.

£50.00 for a designated secondary story or article.

£10.00 for a huge slice of other contributions.

What’s more, if we can get to 2,000 subscribers, I will double all of the above and possibly go further than that.

So what should you do now?

Get submitting!

And stand by for further details about how and where to subscribe!

If you have any questions, please email me

Onwards and upwards!



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